New Laws for 2009 in the State of California.

Here are some of the new laws which went effect on January 1, 2009:

No-text Law
Writing, sending, or reading a “text-based communication” while driving will be against the law for all drivers in California. Violating this law is punishable by a base fine of $20 for a first offense and $50 for each subsequent offense. With the addition of penalty assessments, fines can be more than triple the base fine amount.

Mounting GPS on Windshield
You may now mount a GPS on the lower right or lower left part of your windshield so long as it does not interfere with any air bag device. In the past nothing could be mounted to your windshield.

Smoking with a minor in the Car
It is now an infraction to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or pipe in a car whether it is in motion or at rest if a minor child is in the car with you. This applies even if you are pulled over to the side of the road.

Definition of a motorcycle
Deleting the existing weight limitation of 1,500 pounds, removes a separate definition for electrically powered vehicles and will allow fully enclosed 3-wheeled motor vehicles to use the carpool lanes.

New DUI Laws — Zero tolerance
Any person who is on probation for a DUI convection cannot drive with a blood alcohol level of.01 percent.

Unlicensed car dealersLaw-enforcement officers can impound vehicles that are being sold by unlicensed dealers.

Temporary operating permits restricted
The DMV will restrict permits to allow more time to obtain a smog certificate.

Counterfeit Clean Air Stickers
It will be a crime to forge Clean Air Stickers, which are issued to low-emission vehicles and allow the vehicles with these stickers to be driven in carpool lanes.

Special interest license plates
Gold Star Family special interest license plates will be available to family members who have had family killed in the line of duty while serving in the Armed Forces during wartime or military operations.

Temporary employees
Wages for employees of temporary services employers shall be paid weekly or daily if the work less than 90 days.

Family and Medical Leave Act
Families who have members who are active in the military are eligible up to 12 weeks of leave if they meet the “qualifying exigencies: short notice deployment, attendance at official military events or activities, arranging or providing childcare, attending school or daycare meetings, handling financial and legal matters, and rest and recuperation visits when the soldier is on leave.”

I must caution you that this is only a partial list of new laws in California for 2009.

By California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, © 2009


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