Fatal Motorcycle Accident in San Luis Obispo, California
San Luis Obispo – California
A 24-year-old San Luis Obispo man riding a motorcycle was taken to Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center this morning with major injuries after colliding with a stopped semi truck on Highway 1, the CHP said.
The man, whose name has not yet been released, was riding northbound in the highway’s fast lane when traffic stopped in front of him to allow a semi truck to make a right turn onto Stenner Creek Rd. around 9:05 a.m., according to CHP Officer Joe Vega.
The semi had to take up both lanes on the highway to safely make the turn, Vega said, and it appears the motorcyclist didn’t see the stopped cars behind it in time to slow.
“He swerved to the right,” Vega said, “squeezed between both lanes in attempt to avoid the stopped cars but then collides into the right rear corner of semi.” Drugs or alcohol don’t appear to be a factor in the accident, he added, and no other injuries were reported.
Investigators haven’t yet determined how fast the motorcyclist was going.
Most people would not realize it, but the motorcycle had the right of way in this instance and the truck driver will most likely be held to be at fault.
In California, a driver is not allowed to make a turn unless the coast is clear, notwithstanding the fact that drivers may have stopped for him. Secondly motorcyclist are allowed to lane split in the State of California, so long as they are not going more than 15-20 miles per hour faster than the flow of traffic.
This is an unfortunate accident.
If you or your family has been the victim of a wrongful death in the State of California, or you have had a motorcycle, car, truck, or other motor vehicle accident, feel free to call my firm for a free consultation at 800-816-1529 ext. 1.
California Wrongful Death Attorney, Car, Truck, Motorcycle Attorney Website
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